adulting, with art
How to Start Collecting Art: A Beginner's Guide
I've been imagining my first Real Adult Apartment since middle school. (Is that weird? Do other people do this? Not sure, but I'll go on.) I had a firm list of requirements in mind, before D.C. rent prices told me to go screw myself, that is, from a walk-in closet to a balcony. But I always thought it would be *impeccably* decorated, and have made many a Pinterest board on the topic since.
Fast forward to 2016, and my Real Adult Apartment has become a reality. But though I'm pretty happy with how it's turned out so far, I still don't really know what I'm doing re: my walls. So for my latest freelance story at NYLON, I decided to reach out to some experts on how to start collecting art.
One of those experts turned out to be Cristina Salmastrelli, who directs NYC's Affordable Art Fair, which I 10/10 would recommend. The second is Chelsea Nassib, the brains behind online gallery Tappan, which I also 10/10 recommend. Both gave me some thoughtful first-time tips on looking for art, discovering your personal style, tracking emerging artists, etc. You should read them!
Now, please excuse me while I Pinterest.
You can read the full story at here.